Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SNOW day!!

Stuck inside and having my 6 year old (boy!!) cleaning the kitchen floors is too funny. It all starts when I go into the kitchen and see that he has in fact made a drippy mess outside of the fridge. Looks like olive juice, which he loves and no one else would go I call the little monkey who then cleans it up with a papertowel- unsuccessfully. I give him a bottle of Fantastic (he is not your average 6 year old and no he will not drink the Fantastic)- he gets to work. Now lunch is ready and the floors are amazing! I am telling you - having him home from school this morning has caught me up on my housework already..
He is great with laundry which is where we are heading next.
Just trying to plan a day out and see where it takes me.
First thing this morning (I had every intention of keeping my little guy home) but was out again, unsuccessfully plowing my drive way- which was a losing battle.
By 9:15 am I was resolved to the fact that I would be chilling out at home (I am so glad) with my two thinking of doing nothing.
However, I have just came across a small speed bump in my plan.
You see, I was out for the last couple of days in Toronto wining and dining myself and my mom. Came home to a empty pantry and two hungry kids - my husband seemed to have eaten and drank everything before he left for a golf trip last night. This sucks, he wasn't even around for me to yell about it. Used the last bit of milk last night (thank god) and now we are dry. The roads are devilish in my area- no plowing for days and I am too busy (obviously blogging) to shovel myself out -because really I could only get so far before I would be stuck in the road.
So soup for the kiddies and what will I find for myself. Was thinking originally of a scrumptuous chop salad. However, at this point all I have is the chop. Oh and some nasty meatless chicken. That was my kick last week- I was thinking about being a vegan. Clearly that was a bust...

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